Member Spotlight: Adam Roy, A Roy Builders

by | Apr 15, 2021 | Member Spotlight

Member Spotlight:
Meet Adam Roy, ARoy Builders

My mission for A Roy Builders is to grow a brand known for building quality, custom homes built with integrity and pride. ARoy Builders is founded with a passion in building sustainable and well-built homes where quality materials and craftsmanship are second only to the client experience. The preference to focus on custom homes versus spec/move-in ready houses is rooted in the desire to turn the visions and dreams of New Hampshire families into a reality.

Adam Roy | A Roy Builders | SNHHBRA Member Spotlight

Name: Adam Roy        Job Title: Owner / Builder

With 14 years in the field as a frame-to-finish carpenter, I have extensive experience in remodeling, building additions, executing high-end finish work, operating a custom framing company and project management. I have developed a passion and devotion to building entire homes from the ground up. I am looking forward to networking and developing long-term, mutually beneficial relationships with fellow members of the NAHB.

Have a Constructive Day!

Contact A Roy Builders at: Phone: (603) 329-5322 | Email:

“Do Business With A Member.”

A Roy Builders | SNHHBRA


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