Members of the SNHHBRA believe and affirm that Home Ownership can and should be within the reach of every American family. And that, every American home should be well designed, well constructed and well located in attractive communities, with educational, recreational, religious and shopping facilities easily accessible. American homes should be built under the free enterprise system of America. As members of this progressive industry, we encourage research and development of new materials, building techniques, building equipment and improved methods of home financing, assuring every new homeowner gets the greatest value possible for their dollar. We vigorously support all sound legislative proposals affecting our industry and the people we serve. We hold inviolate the “free enterprise” system and the American way of life. We pledge support to our local association, our state association (HBRANH) and our national association (NAHB) and all related industries concerned with preservation of legitimate rights and freedoms. We assume responsibility freely and solemnly, mindful that they are part of our obligation as members of SNHHBRA.

Executive Board
Ray Tweedie, President, Waterstone Mortgage
Alison Milioto, 1st Vice President, Blue Lion LLC
Travis Terry, Vice President/Treasurer, Travis Terry & Co, CPA
Local Directors
Lynette Rogers, Homescapes of New England
Shelly Akatyszewski, Total Mortgage
Mike Barrett, East Coast Lumber
Mark Berry, Eastern Propane
Jerry Duhamel, Market My Property
Lorinda Gilbert, St. Mary’s Bank
David Hazel, LG Electronics HVAC Solutions
Christine LaMontagne, LaMontagne Builders, Inc.
Mike Loughlin, Eversource Energy
Alexx Monastiero, The Gove Group
Jason Mlocek, Santo Insurance
James St. Hillaire, Resource Options, Inc.
Jamie Towne, St. Mary’s Bank